I Just finished scratch building and testing the first prototype of my ATtiny85 microcontroller board. Believe it or not this tiny thing is quite powerful. 1mHZ or 8mHz operation, 2.8v to 5.5v powering (everything from CS2032 watch batteries to AAAs, AAs, and LiPo battery packs). 5 input/output pins, PWM, analog input circuitry, In-System Programming with an Arduino motherboard.
My breakout board concept is to provide ground, power, and signal connections for each input so that sensors, leds, etc can be built with 3-pin 2.5mm female header connectors to plug-and-play with any of the inputs of the board. This also makes the standard input pin-compatible with servo motor 3-pin connections as well!
Now to crimp a few hundred 3-pin connections to try out various sensors and actuators…
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