Pleo Voice-Changing Script

pleo robot speaking

pleo robot speaking

The Pleo’s operating system uses 3 virtual machines running the PAWN scripting language to handle all the sensor input, animation output, and overall control of the built-in personality.

Here is my first experiment in running Pleo code in the mysterious 4th virtual machine, the User VM.

Download and unzip this file, then copy the contents of the Pleo_Voice_200 file to an SD card. On start-up the script temporarily sets the Pleo’s sound playback speed to 200%, shifting the Pleo’s voice into a higher frequency.

For those interested in the programming side of things, here are the contents of the startup.p PAWN script that was build into the startup.amx file that runs on the Pleo

// startup.p
// on start-up change Pelo's sound playback to 200% speed

public init()
return true;


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