Tag: Ard-bot

  • RoboShield for Arudino – Component Layout

    RoboShield for Arudino – Component Layout

    RobotShield for Arduino Component Layout
    Laying out the components for a robotics shield for the Arduino microcontroller.

    Here is the first step in designing a robotics daughter-board (the RoboShield) for the Arduino microcontroller. I’m just laying out the components and marking things up in Sharpie to get a feel of how to use space on the tiny little board (it’s about the size of a business card).

    Once this is designed and tested it will greatly simplify building the Ard-bots we use for the Arduino Robotics class.

  • Intro to Arduino Part 2 – Build a Robot!

    Intro to Arduino Part 2 – Build a Robot!

    Arbot Educational Robot
    Ard-bot: A complete robot kit for use with the Arduino microcontroller.

    Just finished teaching a full-on robotics building class to 40+ students in Pasadena for the L.A. Robotics Club. This was a follow-up to last month’s Intro to Arudino class. Had a great time building table-top turtle robots using Arduino microcontrollers. The “Ard-bot” was a great success:

    I had a great time. Everyone was extremely helpful, which was great, because it was the first robot that I had ever built.
    – Leonard R.

    Well organized. Good pace. productive. Fun!! Where else can you get a working programmable robot in just a few hours?
    – David V.

    The “Build a Robot” class was a fantastic idea to get beginners started on robotics. By the end of the day, I had built a robot on a platform can easily be extended with sensors and new movement patterns. Looking forward to more!
    – Gene D.

    Best class yet
    – John W.

    Great kit, instructions, and planning. Thanks to all the organizers.
    – Kevin C.

    It rocked my socks!
    – Joel C.